GDPR Information
(General Data Protection Regulation)

From May 25th 2018, compliance is required to new EU laws which concern anyone who processes personal data on a computer. They are designed to safeguard individual privacy.

By following up on a request for Listra products and services, you confirm that you have understood the information below and consent to the use of your data as described.

The notes below clarify how your data is handled in the course of our contact with you, and in our work in general:


Your data will never be sold, shared or passed on to anyone else for any reason.
No other person has access to your data, in whatever form it is held.
Erasure of all or any specific items of data can be done on request.
No data held by me is acquired from any source other than personal communication.

Only necessary data is held, to enable handling of purchases and orders (might be products and services of Listra)

Personal data that are part of the order or that have been provided to us during new customer registration are regarded by Ivana Kaubek Bordovska. as discrete data and are not provided to third parties except for those that are directly involved in execution of the customer’s order (transportation company etc.) and only to the unavoidable extent. We protect your privacy in accordance with Act No.52/1998 Coll., on protection of personal data in information systems.


Subscribing to my newsletters is only possible from the sidebar on my website (on the left-hand side of most main webpages),
This has a ‘double opt-in’ process (meaning I cannot manually subscribe anyone).
Removal of your name may be done at any time by unsubscribing or sending an email request to me.
If you wish to re-subscribe, you will need to register again from my website and use a different email address.


Your payment details (name, postal address, email) are retained only for the purpose of fulfilling your order and are not automatically added to any mailing list (see above).
No credit card or other financial information is stored on my website.


Email me if you have questions.

Compiled by Ivana Kaubek Bordovska, June 21st 2021, in compliance with GDPR recommendations.

Ivana Kaubek Bordovska

Hauptsitz: Bankmannring 17, 2100 Korneuburg
Behörde: Bezirkhaupmannschaft Korneuburg
Gewerbewortlaut: Astrologie – Beratung, Erstellung von Horoskopen und deren Interpretation


Mitglied der WKÖ




IBAN : AT95 1200 0100 2548 3321